Climate change assessment

Leader: Agustin DEl PRADO (BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change)

WP3 will evaluate the impact of climate change specifically on the sheep and goat farming sector both on the pasture and animal level in various European countries, using mathematical models and making use of the research findings from several recent European Research projects (e.g. ANIMALCHANGE, Multisward and Legume Futures). It’s objectives are:

  1. Review of information/data from recent EU FP7 projects, FACCE, JPI, MACSUR and SOLID knowledge Hub and literature on the effect of climate change on pasture (productivity, quality and diversity) and animal (productivity, breeding, quality, welfare and health) relevant to sheep and goat farming systems.
  2. Identify sequences and timings of weather conditions that have the largest effects on forage production and the health, performance and resource-use efficiency of sheep and goat farming systems under study.
  3. Identify main effects of climate change on pasture (productivity, quality and diversity) and animal (productivity, quality, welfare and health) relevant to sheep and goat farming systems.

The different tasks are listed below.

Task 3.1: Review of existing project data and literature on climate change and small ruminants (Sheep and goats)

Task 3.2: Metamodels development for climate change impact and climate change adaptation on pasture assessment

Task 3.3: Metamodels development for climate change impact and climate change adaptation at the animal level
WP1 WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5 | WP6 | WP7 

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